Category Archives: Designing

January 7, 2024 5:02 am

How to test Responsive theme in Chrome

How to test Responsive theme in Chrome
I have created a Responsive (Responsive Web Design(RWD) is a web approach aimed create sites to provide an optimal viewing experience easy reading and navigation with a minimum of re-sizing.) HTML theme and too worried how to test it on different devices and verify that how it looks, after full day searching got some hints to test it and the best way i have found is Google Chrome where we have a perfect Developer tool to test it and i did the same and it make my day. Now i am going to share that knowledge in this post and world has to know how to do it.

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December 21, 2016 8:34 am

Create Bootstrap form wizard and validation with jQuery

Create Bootstrap form wizard and validation with jQuery
In this tutorial I will show you how to create form wizard and validation in jQuery, its a simple snippet created with Bootstrap and jquery to make a simple long from in steps to improve data collection process and beautify webpage.

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November 1, 2016 7:49 am

Create pure CSS based toggle visibility button

Create pure CSS based toggle visibility button
I fount that simple snippet on codepen and it looks super easy and simple so no need of JavaScript to hide and show objects if we have a super easy and fast CSS method to do that. Its a very simple and easy snippet.

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August 5, 2016 7:54 am

Create responsive websites with CSS3 media query

Create responsive websites with CSS3 media query
You all know that media query is used in CSS3 to make screen based styling and it's a great option to make responsive websites. Nowadays most of the designers using CSS frameworks like Bootstrap, Baseguide, Foundation and more, but sometimes we need to make something without framework then you must know how to use media query.

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June 1, 2016 5:58 am


Today I opened a website in my mobile and suddenly my mobile task bar and browser address bar color changed and I opened my website that color become default then I searched and find that how I can do this for my website and I did it very easily so now I am sharing that with you all.

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January 10, 2016 11:15 am

12 Eye-Catching Forest WordPress Themes for 2016

12 Eye-Catching Forest WordPress Themes for 2016
WordPress, being the most popular platform to build websites today, offers a wide range of themes to choose from. Whether you are planning to build an online store or a new website, you have unlimited options in terms of themes.

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December 8, 2015 8:07 pm

Using external fonts with HTML5 Web Fonts

Using external fonts with HTML5 Web Fonts
Before the introduction of Web fonts, we did not have much control over the font that our text would be served in. We had to provide multiple fonts as fallbacks in the case the system of the user does not support our desired font and even specify a font family like serif or sans-serif if none of our desired fonts were available to the user. It was best to rely on several web-safe fonts such as Georgia, Times New Roman or Arial (to see the web-safe fonts, visit . HTML5 allows us to add any font to our website and if the user supports Web fonts the font would be downloaded by the user automatically. This happens with the help of the @font-face rule.

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