December 12, 2024 8:41 pm

6 Reasons Why Laravel PHP Framework Is The Best For Web Development

Are you thinking of using PHP for your next web development project? If so, which PHP platform should you use? If you are a web developer you probably know about “Laravel” and the rest of this blog post will reinforce what you already know. If not, keep reading this article.


The open source PHP framework of Laravel has all the bells and whistles that include expressive and elegant syntax that makes for simple and fast web development. Its reliability is good and the developer’s community really support it. So why go with Laravel? How will it help you maximize productivity of your web development?

Books for Laravel

1. Quick Emergence: Because of Laravel’s ability to deal with huge web development projects, quite a few PHP development companies have started using it. Google trends indicate that among web developers, Laravel is the most in demand PHP framework. Look at the comparison trends among the various web development PHP frameworks.

Top 12 Best PHP RESTful Micro Frameworks

2. Open Source: The free web application PHP framework can easily develop huge and complicated web applications while having code maintainability.

3. Template engine: Laravel’s lightweight templates have the ability to build outstanding layouts that include dynamic content seeding. It includes a variety of widgets that have CSS and JS code with solid structures. The web templates in these frameworks are built for uncomplicated webpage design with separate areas.

4. Modular: Laravel is constructed on over 20 different libraries which are further divided into separate modules. Modern PHP principles are used and developers can build responsive, modular web applications that are user- friendly.

5. MVC Architecture Support: It uses MVC pattern which ensures clarity between logic and presentation. The performance is increased because of the architecture and this allows for better documentation and includes a number of built-in applications.

6. Libraries and configuration: It facilitates several development settings and self-adjusts depending on the proper platform in which application is operating. This is possible due to the incorporated authorization libraries, that come with an auto complete feature that is not available on other leading frameworks.

Are you a developer who would like to learn more about this PHP framework? Visit and join the community of Laravel developers. This is your opportunity to use Laravel to impress your clients using the newest PHP development technology. SA’s specialty is responsive website design driven by PHP. Keep in touch for your upcoming projects.

Author Huzoor Bux

I am Huzoor Bux from Karachi (Pakistan). I have been working as a PHP Developer from last 5+ years, and its my passion to learn new things and implement them as a practice. Basically I am a PHP developer but now days exploring more in HTML5, CSS and jQuery libraries.

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7 responses to “6 Reasons Why Laravel PHP Framework Is The Best For Web Development”

  1. Edwin Ramirez says:

    I don’t know. Most, if not all, of these reasons could be the same reasons to use Yii or CakePHP. Can anyone tell specific examples in which Laravel is better at something than these two?

    • Laravel has high-level features out of the box (and with the latest version 5, it has authentication built-in) , it has top documentation and it also has an ORM that is second to none in the PHP community. Laravel has chosen a development path that will gradually include more and more high level modules straight out of the box. I mentioned authentications but it has many others such as a cashier module that interfaces straight to the Stripe subscription billing services (it even has automatic generation of PDF invoices). It is the high level modules (or services as they are officially known) that makes Laravel so appealing to developers. Instead of each of us having to write their own authentication system (as was the case with CodeIgniter) why not build it into the framework because soon or later it will be needed for one of our applications.

      Laravel has a high level of abstraction, which shield the developer from complex inner-workings. A good example is the filesystem abstraction.

      To me, one of the most important aspect of Laravel is its re-use of already-written components that were performing well when it first came out. Laravel did not attempt to write everything from scratch. It borrowed from other frameworks such as CodeIgniter and Symphony. That’s the sign of a smart framework. To this day it stills incorporates other developer’s implementations when it would be futile to write something from scratch because something as good or better already exists.

      There are bonuses with Laravel. Its Blade templating engine is really to the point. Events-handling is also very good. It also provides quite a few good procedural functions as helpers and much more. It is fair to say that with Laravel, a developer is likely to be pleasantly surprise by the number of features rather than disappointed by what is missing.

      I personally think that (all things considered) CodeIgniter would be a better Framework if it wasn’t for the fact that CI is not actively going towards providing more out-of-the-box functionality. CI is stagnant and not moving with the times and it will be its demise.

      The only negatives for Laravel are a) the relatively slow speed (compared to CodeIgniter), b) its relatively big size and c) the time it can take to debug when something goes wrong. If anyone wants to take up a framework like Laravel, they must be of (at least) intermediate level in PHP otherwise they will waste more time than they will save with it. Perhaps starting with CodeIgniter to understand how a framework works and then moving to Laravel when basic principles like MVC are understood.

      Laravel has an extraordinarily vibrant community and some “pillars” such as Jeffrey Way who is an amazing teacher and of course, who could mention Laravel without mentioning its father Taylor Otwell who has shown fantastic vision in developing the Laravel Framework.

      • Edwin Ramirez says:

        Now THOSE are good reasons. A built in Auth system would surely save a lot of time for new projects. Although I believe (not sure) that CakePHP and Yii have that as well.

  2. Ali Sajjad says:

    @disqus_utm9vviTm0:disqus Please checkout the Google Trends, or simply search about Top PHP Frameworks, you got the result with solid reasons

    • Edwin Ramirez says:

      Wow, this is a late reply but anyways. Trends are fickle. Developers just start using whatever is the newest or latest in fashion just to not feel left behind. And any search returns with similar articles with the same “solid reasons” but no specific examples as to why Laravel is better at these 6 reasons that any other framework does as well.

  3. Loganatan says:

    I use YII and its still useful to learn quick and make web apps. Not sure Laravel which makes to be top?

  4. Sagar Guhe says:

    All the points from 1 through 5 are valid for other frameworks too.

    About 6th point I didn’t get what you mean by various development settings? if you want to say that switching from developer mode to productions mode and disabling developer tools automatically if we switched to production, then this is also provided by other top frameworks…

    Also what do you mean by “Huge Applications”? Even you can build Huge Application with PHP itself and as long as you follow modularity in your application it increases the levels of maintainability of your code (Every other PHP framework is built with MVC architecture keeping in mind if we ignore a few).

    So what makes Laravel stand out of the crowd?

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