Author Archives: Ivan Dimov

June 21, 2016 11:33 am

Making the most of the Google Maps API – Marking a path to a location

Making the most of the Google Maps API – Marking a path to a location
Our app takes advantage of a JSON file containing the different bus lines and arrays of geographic points, the combination of which forms the route of the busses. A part of the array with coordinate points looks like this:

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June 20, 2016 11:16 am

Making the most of the Google Maps API – Keeping the user on the map

Making the most of the Google Maps API – Keeping the user on the map
Now that we have our map added to the webpage, centered on our desired location, and it takes the entire screen real estate we may want to customize it. Let us say that the application revolves around a particular city. We may want to show where the user is located in that city. For this purpose, we will just add a marker representing the user on the map. We will get the user’s location using HTML5’s Geolocation API and we will refresh his/her location on regular intervals so that his/her location stays updated.  When refreshing, we may want to remove the old marker because the user may already be in a different location and we do not want thousands of markers appearing as the user moves around the map.

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June 19, 2016 10:39 am

Making the most of the Google Maps API – Adding a map

Making the most of the Google Maps API – Adding a map
The Google Maps API allows us to embed maps of arbitrary continents, countries, regions, cities and spots. It not only allows us to do this but it enables us to customize the returned maps and personalize them with our own functionality. Let us build a web app which uses the Google Maps API to not only show a map of a city but adds quite a few markers to it, lines and popups which show additional content when a marker is clicked.

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May 4, 2016 5:05 am

Creating your first middleware in Laravel 5

Creating your first middleware in Laravel 5
Middlewares can help us execute different application logic in numerous routes so that we do not repeat ourselves.They are good for filtering HTTP requests. For example, you can create a middleware which redirects user that are not authorized to view a page to another page or you can create a middleware which disallows guests from accessing pages (in fact, Laravel has such a middleware built-in). You can create a middleware which sets some HTTP headers. For example, you can enable CORS so that AJAX requests can be made from everywhere to some particular routes.

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April 26, 2016 4:47 am

Python: A shareable Todo lists/notes web app with web2py Part 2

Python: A shareable Todo lists/notes web app with web2py Part 2
In web2py, controllers are located in web2py_folder/applications/YOUR_APPLICATION_FOLDER/controllers. If your application is called bars and you create a new .py file called and add a function in it called view there, this would equal to the following path /bars/snickers/view.

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April 25, 2016 4:34 am

Python: A shareable Todo lists/notes web app with web2py Part 1

Python: A shareable Todo lists/notes web app with web2py Part 1
Python is the 2nd most popular language out there according to With it, you can build plenty of things such as desktop apps, games, viruses, you can use it for server-side programming and so on.

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April 18, 2016 7:38 pm

Creating your first desktop app with Python

Creating your first desktop app with Python
Python enables developers to craft desktop applications. In this tutorial, we are going to create a desktop app in Python and make an executable for Windows. The application is going to be simple – it would allow users to select an article from a list, click read and the article will open in their browser. We are going to use Tkinter to craft the GUI that our application needs.

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