December 12, 2024 7:44 pm

How Can I Submit My Facebook App For Review?

The guide below will show you how to configure your specific Facebook app so it’s ready for review. Just follow the step-by-step process. You’ll also find additional information on the Facebook developers console guidelines page, so be sure to refer to this also. During the configuration, pay attention to these important points:

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The App details:

The Logo:  it needs to be a 1024 x 1024 high-resolution image for your application

The Long Description: Give an explanation of what the app is capable of doing and why you need the application

Privacy Policy:  provide a website URL that works where someone can find the privacy policy

Statuses and Review:

Provide some general instructions on what the app actually does.

Provide notes on the additional requested permissions which are outlined below

Individual steps required to replicate functionality for the additional requested permissions which are detailed below.

Provide 4 or more screenshots of your in-app experience.

A version of your Android app or iOS app:

Apple Store ID or iOS Simulator Build listed in Settings

Android Package Name or APK file or listed in Settings

The Additional Requested Permissions

  1. publish_actions – This is used when you push date to Facebook through the API, such as a Post status API.
  2. read_friendlists – This is used to access the custom friends list that any user has created (It won’t access the complete list of friends for the app)
  3. read_stream – This is used to read the posts in anyone’s feed.
  4. user_status – This is used to access any status messages of a person.
  5. user_events – This is used to retrieve lists of events that any user has subscribed to.
  6. user_groups – This is used to retrieve group lists that a person is a member of.
  7. user_likes – Tis is used to access all pages and objects any used has liked.
  8. user_videos – This is used to access any videos that a person has been tagged in or has uploaded.
  9. user_photos – This is used to access any images a user has been tagged in or has uploaded.
    Used to access the images a users has uploaded or been tagged in.  One note is that Facebook requires that you accept permissions to publish actions when you request the user photos API.
  10. user_tagged_places – This is used to access any places that a user has been tagged in.
  11. user_about_me – This is used to access the about/bio information.
  12. user_birthday – This is used to access the month and the date of the users birthday. It may include the year, but this is based upon the user’s privacy settings.
  13. user_education_history – This is used to access the education history of a user.
  14. user_hometown – This is used to access the hometown where a user lives.
  15. user_location – This is used to access the city the user is currently in.
  16. user_relationship_details – This is used to access the persons that have an interested in.
  17. user_relationships – This is used to access the details of the relationship status, family data, and significant other details.
  18. user_religion_politics – This is used to access the political affiliations as well as the religion of the user.
  19. user_work_history – This is used to access the details of ther work history as well as employer of the user.

Step-by-Step Approval Guide

  1. Login to the Developers Account of your Facebook
  2. Pick the Facebook app from the App drop down box

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  1. Click on “Status & review” and then submit the app for a review

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  1. Click “Start a Submission” to begin the submission process

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  1. Select your permissions that you want enabled for your app

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  1. Add your screenshots to show the use-care of the Facebook app for your app/website

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  1. Complete the required settings for each permission that you plan to ask of the user. If you have missing parameters, you’ll get a red error icon. You need to click this icon to complete your settings.

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  1. Make sure you “Add Notes” as you need this for the approval process

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  1. Once you have completed all details, you can submit the app for review

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  1. You then accept the Facebook platform Terms and Conditions and complete the request

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Author Huzoor Bux

I am Huzoor Bux from Karachi (Pakistan). I have been working as a PHP Developer from last 5+ years, and its my passion to learn new things and implement them as a practice. Basically I am a PHP developer but now days exploring more in HTML5, CSS and jQuery libraries.

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2 responses to “How Can I Submit My Facebook App For Review?”

  1. Joe Cole says:

    It really nice

  2. Koushik Dutta says:

    hello sir,
    what is the new procedure for app review??i mean for current submission notes

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