How to Integrate Stripe Payment Gateway in PHP
Integrating payments with Stripe is easy. You would need a quick registration on, after which you can use the test version of the Stripe API until your web app is deployed and the live version afterwards. Stripe is responsible for processing and keeping clients’ credit/debit card data so no information of essence would be stored on your server and you would not have to comply with all the rules that come with storing credit/debit cards.
Let’s start integration:
Step 1.
Create account on
Step 2.
Now login to your account and go to Account Settings -> API Keys.
Step 3.
Edit charge.php file and replace with your Secret Key
try { require_once('Stripe/lib/Stripe.php'); Stripe::setApiKey("secret_key_here"); //Replace with your Secret Key $charge = Stripe_Charge::create(array( "amount" => 1500, "currency" => "usd", "card" => $_POST['stripeToken'], "description" => "Charge for Facebook Login code." ));
Edit index.php file and replace with your Publishable Key
<script src="" class="stripe-button" data-key="publishable_key_here" // Replace with your Publishable key data-image="favicon.png" data-name="PHPGang" data-description="Download Script ($15.00)" data-amount="1500"> </script>
The test version does not entail actual transfer of funds and you can teste transfer if you have set up everything necessary to charge a customer by entering the following credit card number: 4242424242424242.
The only thing you would have to worry is Man-in-the-middle attacks and that is why Stripe highly recommends using HTTPS but no data about a card will be stored in your server.
First, we create a basic static web page and create a form that includes a script from Stripe (Checkout.js).
This script will create a button which when clicked would urge the users to enter an email, credit/debit card number and optionally choose to remember them.
We also set several variables.
Data-key would hold your publishable key, data-image would hold a link to your company’s logo, data-name would hold the company’s name and data-description – the description of the product being bought. Data-image, data-name and data-description will be shown when users click on the button created by Checkout.js and will make the modal feel like customers are in your site (they are optional but highly recommended).
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Payments using Stripe</title> </head> <body> <h1>Buy Facebook login Script</h1> <p>Price: 15.00$</p> <p>Name: How to Login with Facebook Graph API in PHP</p> <form action="charge.php" method="POST"> <script src="" class="stripe-button" data-key="publishable_key_here" // your publishable keys data-image="logo.png" // your company Logo data-name="" data-description="Download Script ($15.00)" data-amount="1500"> </script> </form> </body> </html>
Here is an image of the modal that this code displays:
When the users fill out the modal and click on “Pay …” they will be redirected to the action attribute of the form, which is “charge.php” in this case. Thus, in charge.php we will actually retrieve 15$ from the client’s card. When redirecting to the form’s action attribute you would have two variables that you could use -> $_POST[‘stripeEmail’] (you could use it to send an email to the customer after a purchase or whatever) and $_POST[‘stripeToken’] (which is used for retrieving funds from the customer in the script displayed after form submission). Of course, this is considering our form’s method attribute is set to POST.
Note that the last two digits of data-amount are actually the cents. 1500 is equal to $15.00 and 15000 is equal to $150.00.
In the script responsible for changing, we load the Stripe library which is available in download code or it could be downloaded at: or set up using Composer:
Afterwards we set our secret API key using the static method setApiKey of the Stripe class:
Afterwards, we actually charge the customer 15.00 bucks:
We set up a try and catch block. In the try block we attempt to charge the customer:
$charge = Stripe_Charge::create(array( "amount" => 1500, "currency" => "usd", "card" => $_POST['stripeToken'], "description" => "Charge for Facebook Login code." ));
We tell Stripe the currency we want the 15.00 bucks to be in, we give the token received from the Checkout.js script when the user entered his data and provide a description of the charge.
Now, we are done and could execute any code that we want executed after a purchase has been made,we just place it below the $charge variable, it will be executed only if the payment has been successful. (no exceptions were thrown when charging)
Here is the whole charge.php file:
<?php //let's say each article costs 15.00 bucks try { require_once('Stripe/lib/Stripe.php'); Stripe::setApiKey("secret_key_here"); //Replace with your Secret Key $charge = Stripe_Charge::create(array( "amount" => 1500, "currency" => "usd", "card" => $_POST['stripeToken'], "description" => "Charge for Facebook Login code." )); //send the file, this line will be reached if no error was thrown above echo "<h1>Your payment has been completed. We will send you the Facebook Login code in a minute.</h1>"; //you can send the file to this email: echo $_POST['stripeEmail']; } //catch the errors in any way you like catch(Stripe_CardError $e) { } catch (Stripe_InvalidRequestError $e) { // Invalid parameters were supplied to Stripe's API } catch (Stripe_AuthenticationError $e) { // Authentication with Stripe's API failed // (maybe you changed API keys recently) } catch (Stripe_ApiConnectionError $e) { // Network communication with Stripe failed } catch (Stripe_Error $e) { // Display a very generic error to the user, and maybe send // yourself an email } catch (Exception $e) { // Something else happened, completely unrelated to Stripe } ?>
Here is what happens when a payment has been successful:
Tutorial Categories:
Please, can you tell me which editor do you use to edit php files? Thanks for the great tutorial! 🙂
we use PHPEd
I followed up your tutorial but i got following fatal error. could you please help me?
Facing this issue because of localhost try to run this code on live server.
thnx for reply..I am a beginner in PHP . i dont have any stipe account. and i cant run this code .plz tel me way to run this code on test mode
#yiv8969097938 a:hover, #yiv8969097938 a:hover span {color:#1188d2!important;}#yiv8969097938 .yiv8969097938button-cta:hover {color:#ffffff!important;background-color:#1188d2!important;}#yiv8969097938 .yiv8969097938button-cta:hover span {color:#ffffff!important;}#yiv8969097938 #yiv8969097938outlook a {padding:0;}#yiv8969097938 body {width:100% !important;}#yiv8969097938 .yiv8969097938ReadMsgBody {width:100%;}#yiv8969097938 .yiv8969097938ExternalClass {width:100%;display:block;}#yiv8969097938 @media screen and (){#yiv8969097938 html {}#yiv8969097938 .yiv8969097938content {width:100%;}#yiv8969097938 table {border-collapse:collapse;}#yiv8969097938 h2.yiv8969097938headline {font-weight:700;font-size:20px!important;margin-bottom:5px;}#yiv8969097938 .yiv8969097938button-cta {display:block!important;padding:0!important;}#yiv8969097938 div.yiv8969097938header {padding-top:20px;}#yiv8969097938 div.yiv8969097938footer {padding-bottom:20px;}}#yiv8969097938 #yiv8969097938 p.yiv8969097938mod-tools a:hover {color:white!important;background:#8c989f!important;}#yiv8969097938 @media screen and (){#yiv8969097938 td.yiv8969097938avatar, #yiv8969097938 td.yiv8969097938spacer {width:38px!important;}#yiv8969097938 td.yiv8969097938avatar img, #yiv8969097938 td.yiv8969097938spacer img {width:28px!important;}}”Facing this issue because of localhost try to run this code on live server.” | |
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Huzoor Bux
Facing this issue because of localhost try to run this code on live server. 1:04 p.m., Thursday May 28 | Other comments by Huzoor Bux | |
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I followed up your tutorial but i got following fatal error. could you please help me?Read more |
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Try free hosting account on these sites and configure it.
Hello Sir,
This was Awesome thing ever i searched on internet.
Sir I wish to follow dynamic prices. How i can do it. In your Tutorial we can only process a fixed payment. But i want to get prices from my database already saved. I use $price = $row[‘price’]; to call price from Database.
$charge = Stripe_Charge::create(
“amount” => $price, // I write this price veriable here but it dont process payment But when i add a fixed price then it process payment.. What should i do.
“currency” => “usd”,
“card” => $_POST[‘stripeToken’],
“description” => ‘This is Different Thing’
Please reply me so that i can fix my issue.
you are one of the best in the web so far.
I wish you can make a video lessons, so you can share your knowledge by videos
sir, can i use indian bank account in stripe?
Many many thanks, after 2 days i fixed my stripe Payment Methods .
Many many thanks, after 2 days i fixed my stripe Payment Methods .
how to add shipping and billing address in this stripe gateway
how can I retrieve funding parameter from saved stripe card?
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING Stripe/lib/Stripe.php on line 3
please help
Could you give me wordpress format…
Could you give me wordpress format…
Could you give me wordpress format…
Could you give me wordpress format…
Could you give me wordpress format…
Hi i want to transfer stripe money to other bank account.Is it possible ?.
Stripe provides the ability to move funds from your own Stripe balance into the Stripe balance of another account.
Stripe provides the ability to move funds from your own Stripe balance into the Stripe balance of another account.
Hi thanks for the code.
Can you tell me how can i use refund ?
i’m using
$ref = $charge->refunds->create(array(‘amount’ => 100));
i’m unable to understand that how can i use “$charge “?
please help me out
i use stripe payment gateway but give this error.
Class ‘StripeStripe’ not found in.
Please any help me.
Check your libraries path.
thank’s huzoor,
I integrate stripe payment gateway.
Thank you so much.
You help me.
Check your libraries path.
How do we pay recurring payment by stripe gateway
We will write a tutorial on recurring payments very soon.
Thanks, how much time you would take.
Please tell me how to integrate custom stripe payment gateway in codeigniter.
How would I add an additional charge button and get the total of both of the charges. So for example, I have one button that charges for a t-shirt and another optional postage and packaging but it would then add the two charges up and charge for that. Is this possible?
please help me to make transfer as well while PAy Now to bank account I set for transfer
i have integrate this stripe API all works fine in test account but
when i switched to live it show me error everytime “Your card was
declined.” Somebody please help me out how can i resolve this
use original card
Thanks for sharing, it is helpful, but can somebody guide me that when i turned my account from test to live, it wanted me to activate it, but country doesn’t shows Pakistan? how to tackle it?
Thank you, this is cheaper than moonclerk and I am getting fed up trying to figure out how to add stripe to my websites!
Thank you for sharing this. Much more helpful that the documentation on Stripes website. I went around in circles on their website. Your test files worked perfectly on my server and then I ammended them to integrate with my code as required. The only thing I noticed is the Stripe folder differs from the current Stripe release package. When I tried updating the folder to the latest package your code didnt work. Not sure why. :-S I just dont like using older package content if I can help it.
How can I create a monthly subscription charge?
How do we perform recurring payment in stripe?
Hi sir,
this module can’t download
Couldn’t able to download the code :'(
Please let me know about refund functionality with refund stripe API..
I am facing a Problem with your site I am not able to Subscribe my Email with you. That is why i am not able to download any code from your site. Please solve this issue as soon as possible
please help me to fix this error
Hello everyone,
i am new in stripe and i want to create users ,card and get list of all created users and cards through stripe apis in php. How i integrate?
What happens next? What return values do you get so you can update your own database with a successful transaction and give access? Is there a “webhook” for that/