Login with Google Plus Account OAuth
We are going to cover all the Open Authentication (oAuth) login system for Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and now I am writing tutorial about Google Open Authentication login. in this tutorial i will explain how to implement Google oAuth for your web project, this script is very quick and sure it helps you to increase your web project registrations.
[wpdm_file id=16]DEMO
Step 1: Create new project
Here the application OAuth client ID and client secret.
See Also: How to login with LinkedIn oAuth2 in PHP and MySQL
You can find this in src folder, here you have to configure application OAuth keys, Consumer keys and redirection callback URL.
// OAuth2 Settings, you can get these keys at https://code.google.com/apis/console 'oauth2_client_id' => 'Application Client ID', 'oauth2_client_secret' => 'Application Client Secret', 'oauth2_redirect_uri' => 'http://www.yoursite.com/google_login_oauth/index.php',
require_once 'src/Google_Client.php'; require_once 'src/contrib/Google_Oauth2Service.php'; session_start(); $client = new Google_Client(); $client->setApplicationName("Google UserInfo PHP Starter Application"); $oauth2 = new Google_Oauth2Service($client); if (isset($_GET['code'])) { $client->authenticate($_GET['code']); $_SESSION['token'] = $client->getAccessToken(); $redirect = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; header('Location: ' . filter_var($redirect, FILTER_SANITIZE_URL)); return; } if (isset($_SESSION['token'])) { $client->setAccessToken($_SESSION['token']); } if (isset($_REQUEST['logout'])) { unset($_SESSION['token']); $client->revokeToken(); } if ($client->getAccessToken()) { $user = $oauth2->userinfo->get(); $email = filter_var($user['email'], FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL); $img = filter_var($user['picture'], FILTER_VALIDATE_URL); $personMarkup = "$email<div><img src='$img?sz=50'></div>"; $_SESSION['token'] = $client->getAccessToken(); } else { $authUrl = $client->createAuthUrl(); } if(isset($personMarkup)): print $personMarkup; //Print user Information endif; if(isset($authUrl)) { print "<a class='login' href='$authUrl'>Connect Me!</a>"; } else { print "<a class='logout' href='?logout'>Logout</a>"; }
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there is a missing semicolon after endif. Thanks. Great post.
Fixed 🙂
Phenomenal work, Gang. Works like a charm.
Hi PHP gang, I’ve integrated your code, but can’t seem to get the profile picture with the returned content like in your demo. I only get [link] followed by [gender]. Can you please help?
Share the link where you installed it…
can i import .ics file in Google calender as a backend process using Google Oauth ? please help i don’t know whether it is possible or not thanks in advance….
I have followed the above process and running it in my localhost, after redirecting from google login it is throwing an error “Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘Google_IOException’ with
message ‘HTTP Error: (0) Failed connect to accounts.google.com:443; No
error’ in
Stack trace:
#0 C:xampphtdocsgoogle_login_oauthsrcauthGoogle_OAuth2.php(101):
#1 C:xampphtdocsgoogle_login_oauthsrcGoogle_Client.php(131):
Google_OAuth2->authenticate(Array, ‘4/aoLDyvob3U654…’)
#2 C:xampphtdocsgoogle_login_oauthindex.php(27):
#3 {main}
thrown in C:xampphtdocsgoogle_login_oauthsrcioGoogle_CurlIO.php on line 128”
This means that the server is unable to perform peer SSL certificate verification. The Windows version of PHP doesn’t come bundled with a Certificate Authority bundle. So you need to add it yourself.
Solution 1:
In ‘google-api-php-clientsrcio’ folder, open ‘apiCurlIO.php’
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
Solution 2:
Download the .pem file from the cURL site and rename the extension to .crt
Save the renamed file to your web server.
Add the following line to ‘google-api-php-client/src/io/apiCurlIO.php’ right before the ‘curl_exec()’ method call. As per the current version of Google APIs Client Library for PHP, the line of code (‘curl_exec’ method call) is $respData = curl_exec($ch);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CAINFO, ‘c:/path/to/ca-bundle.crt’);
Remember to replace ‘c:/path/to/ca-bundle.crt’ to with the path for your saved .crt file.
Hope everything worked well. Comment below if you face any problems or find any improvements to the script.
I tired both, still seeing same issue. 🙁
Host your application on some hosting don’t use on localhost then try.
that’s the only problem, i dont have any hosting space..
@rjilcloud:disqus Use 000webhost for free hosting account it will give you sub-domain where you can perform your all experiments.
thanks , i am doing this and will get back to you again.
@huzoorbux:disqus : i tried the same by creating subdomain it is working out, thanks a lot…can you please tell how i can fix the same in localhost?
Ok i will give you its solution soon.
desperately will wait.. thanks again 🙂
hi, past two days app working correctly .but now can’t access the datas from google.app login permission shows like below and no data return to our website. why this happened??? help me
This app would like to:
Have offline access
hello Sir thsi is great script and print all values according to me like i have need some information we getting but how can print email what use of array name
Sorry don’t understand what are you talking about please explain.
you can print only email like this,
echo $arrayname[’email’];
Sir what array in this script
Sir I don’t understand whats Array name please tell me
$user is your array name.
I have already print $user but he prints echo $user[’email’];
hello i findout solutions and thanks Sir
how can enter value in database
Please tell me Sir
Thanks fos sharing. i have problem, this always ask permission every time I’m login. how to skip it? please help..
really very very thanks its awesome script you help me very much thanks a lot again
Thanks a ton 🙂
Hi, Thank You for your script
I am getting – Fatal error: Class ‘Google_ServiceResource’ not found in /public_html/google-oauth/src/contrib/Google_Oauth2Service.php on line 25.
may it work on localhost?
Hi sir how to give the redirect uri in localhost.
SSL connection error
how to resolve this, After click Accept the SSL error show on index page thanks.
hi sir,
i have a query
how to
insert data in spreadsheet using google doc api without using username and password in php.
i am follow step for login with google but some error are generated URL redirect missing how to solve this error…plz reply
Try to debug it and post errors below.
Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘Google_IOException’ with message ‘HTTP Error: (0) Failed to connect to accounts.google.com port 443: Connection timed out’ in /home/tdemocoi/public_html/poptucket/google_login_oauth/src/io/Google_CurlIO.php:128 Stack trace: #0 /home/tdemocoi/public_html/poptucket/google_login_oauth/src/auth/Google_OAuth2.php(101): Google_CurlIO->makeRequest(Object(Google_HttpRequest)) #1 /home/tdemocoi/public_html/poptucket/google_login_oauth/src/Google_Client.php(131): Google_OAuth2->authenticate(Array, ‘4/fwJZtYI77690l…’) #2 /home/tdemocoi/public_html/poptucket/google_login_oauth/index.php(27): Google_Client->authenticate(‘4/fwJZtYI77690l…’) #3 {main} thrown in/home/tdemocoi/public_html/poptucket/google_login_oauth/src/io/Google_CurlIO.php on line 128
i am follow step for login with google but some error are generated URL redirect missing how to solve this error…plz reply
Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘Google_IOException’ with message ‘HTTP Error: (0) Failed to connect to accounts.google.com port 443: Connection timed out’ in /home/tdemocoi/public_html/poptucket/google_login_oauth/src/io/Google_CurlIO.php:128 Stack trace: #0 /home/tdemocoi/public_html/poptucket/google_login_oauth/src/auth/Google_OAuth2.php(101): Google_CurlIO->makeRequest(Object(Google_HttpRequest)) #1 /home/tdemocoi/public_html/poptucket/google_login_oauth/src/Google_Client.php(131): Google_OAuth2->authenticate(Array, ‘4/fwJZtYI77690l…’) #2 /home/tdemocoi/public_html/poptucket/google_login_oauth/index.php(27): Google_Client->authenticate(‘4/fwJZtYI77690l…’) #3 {main} thrown in/home/tdemocoi/public_html/poptucket/google_login_oauth/src/io/Google_CurlIO.php on line 128
above this error are generated..
I got this error..
Error: invalid_client
The OAuth client was not found.
how can i applicated this with codeignter ?
This script works with localhost. However, when I deploy it to my server; I get this error. “Class ‘Google_ServiceResource’ not found in /home/user/public_html/src/contrib/Google_Oauth2Service.php on line 25”
Has anyone resolved it?
Try `new Google_ServiceResource`
Can anybody help me indeploying this project in google app engine. I mean can any body help me with app.yaaml file for this project
Hello Sir i am beginner so please provide me source code my id is [email protected]