December 12, 2024 8:20 pm

Top 12 Best PHP RESTful Micro Frameworks

3. Limonade  [?]

  • Limonade is a used in the lower versions of PHP language for speedy design of websites and creating models.
  • This acts as fundamental set of the PHP and it is more tiny, bendy and trouble-free.
  • Being a simple tool, it is easier to understand and get educated.
  • It is easy to install and run it, since it is smaller in size and occupies lower space.
  • Instead of describing as an application class, Limonade’s can be said as a single collection case.
  • It covers all aspects that are covered by modern tools like MVC and REST.
  • The route is bonded between a ULR and HTTP method.
  • The code which is provided is used in call back controller function to return the rendered view point.
  • The templates can be located by default and also can be rendered inside another template.HTML, XML, CSS, JS, and TXT, are used as render.
  • The capture in it is useful for the organization of layout regions to set JavaScript or sidebar or Style sheet files that are specific to view.
  • Flash is a special use of sessions. A flash value will be available only on next request and will be deleted after. It’s very useful to raise errors on a form or to notice a successful action.

4. Phalcon  [?]

The great work by Anders Gutierrez and his crew, which become available from 2012, is Phalcon. The web application framework for PHP based on MVC provides higher performance. The speed provides uniqueness for it. This open-source framework released in 2012 provides a C – language based ORM and provides the lowest overhead for MVC-based applications.

The Sparkling Features:

The Phalcon framework has sparkling features as follows:

  • Ready to use classes and functions for any applications.
  • Pre compilation property.

More requests can be handled in seconds that boosts the speed and reduce the usage of resources. Server requires administrative accesses in order to install it. Due to its unique features when compared with other frameworks it acts as the number one framework among developers.

5. Recess PHP  [?]

Recess is a best tool of Restful PHP framework and working on recess gives a delightful experience. The feature, available on it makes it a beautiful tool to work and above all it’s a creative tool to be opted for business web design to meet up the expectation of the client/customer.

  • Recess is supported by PHP of version 5.2.4 and above and also by Apache 2.x.
  • The ability to host multiple applications simultaneously makes it a welcoming tool.
  • It facilitates quick and high performance recess, library to handle class orderly.

Jog Your Route Smooth:

Like many other frame work Recess also uses routing machinery is the controller which helps to take the ULR request and director dispatch control to the required point in the application.

Advance routing techniques which make this tool execute more quality job of doing and fetching are:

  • Relative routing and,
  • Implicit routing.

Beats To Meet The Hour:

To serve the client, which is the primary object of the creation the views should be created responding by presenting and rendering which is excellently achieved by this tool by making it

  • Stretchy
  • Extensible and

Lastly, coming to the template creation it is the place where most of the designer spends time and stylish templates are achieved by coupling with smarty views.

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Author Huzoor Bux

I am Huzoor Bux from Karachi (Pakistan). I have been working as a PHP Developer from last 5+ years, and its my passion to learn new things and implement them as a practice. Basically I am a PHP developer but now days exploring more in HTML5, CSS and jQuery libraries.

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