Author Archives: Ivan Dimov

March 15, 2016 9:46 pm

Creating a Simple Plagiarism Checker in Node.js

Creating a Simple Plagiarism Checker in Node.js
We are going to create a module which can be used by any application that needs plagiarism checking. For example, it can be used in a website that posts articles on web development to check if the submitted article has not been copied from another source. The module would return JSON and it can be hooked to different routes and application logic to perform different logic depending on the plagiarism score.

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March 8, 2016 9:09 pm

Creating the HTML view of a simple CRUD to do list with Angular.js Part 2

Creating the HTML view of a simple CRUD to do list with Angular.js Part 2
Controllers in Angular.js are JavaScript functions which would hold different methods and properties. In our HTML view, we can define the controller that an element uses and all of its child elements would also be able to use the properties and methods of that controller. We can also use those properties and methods in the HTML view through Angular’s data binding or through various built-in directives. Using a controller creates a new child scope for the element in which it is applied and its children.

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March 7, 2016 8:46 pm

Creating the HTML view of a simple CRUD to do list with Angular.js Part 1

Creating the HTML view of a simple CRUD to do list with Angular.js Part 1
Angular.js is a popular open-source web application framework maintained primarily by Google. It enhances the time that is required to complete an application tremendously by allowing you to insert different JavaScript logic directly into the HTML through services, directives and the alike. Using it, you can prototype faster MVC and MVVM applications.

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February 15, 2016 12:33 pm

How to create a simple app with ReactJS

How to create a simple app with ReactJS
React (also known as React.js or ReactJS) is an open-source JavaScript library that helps with the view layer when working with HTML data. Thus, React is only concerned with the “V” in the MVC pattern.In this article, we will build a simple app which shows kitten gifs from an API and allows you to load a new gif whenever you click on a button. Furthermore, the total gifs that the users have seen will be stored permanently in their browser through Local Storage. In the meantime, we will show you how to create your view in React. For that purpose, we would need a class, a state, and the usage of JSX.

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January 19, 2016 2:04 pm

Editing images with PHP (Creating a custom certificate for users)

Editing images with PHP (Creating a custom certificate for users)
To show you how to edit images in PHP we are going to create a script which takes a couple of arguments (such as the certificate recipient’s name and the issuer name and some text describing what the certificate is for) and both displays and saves the certificate as a file.

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January 12, 2016 9:44 am

Getting a camera picture and saving it with PHP and Vanilla JavaScript 2/2

Getting a camera picture and saving it with PHP and Vanilla JavaScript 2/2

Finishing up the JavaScript

If the user has started the stream and wants to take a snapshot, we set the button to be disabled by adding to it a class of disabled (it is a Twitter Bootstrap class) and setting the recording variable to be equal to -1. As no action is intended to execute when recording is equal to -1, the user will not be able to add more pictures through the user interface.

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January 11, 2016 12:58 pm

Getting a camera picture and saving it with PHP and Vanilla JavaScript 1/2

Getting a camera picture and saving it with PHP and Vanilla JavaScript 1/2
To show how to get a camera photo with the HTML5 User Media API and save it on our server we will build an app in which the users would be able to share their camera and take a snapshot. Upon doing this, the snapshot will be saved to the server and all user snapshots will be shown directly on the page.

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