Category Archives: Framework
Custom Video Player using Polymer
Yes polymer, but before getting our hands dirty let's have a short understanding of polymer. The polymer is a lightweight library which takes full advantage of new web standard called Web Components. With the help of Polymer, we can create web apps as well as custom HTML elements.
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JavaScript Frameworks: 6 Best Free for Web Developers 2016
Are you using plain JavaScript for building the web applications? No Way! Today’s world of fast app development requires for better ways of quickly developing interactive web applications and that’s where JavaScript frameworks are helpful. JavaScript frameworks have the status of being the backbone of the single page web applications development and they give superpowers to the HTML & JavaScript.
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7 Best PHP Frameworks for 2015
As one of the most celebrated web development platforms, PHP has been used by web developers all over the world. The skill and knowledge of PHP developers is worth an immense amount of appreciation. Every facet of project development has been executed effectively using high-end PHP frameworks. Keep on reading this post as I’ll be talking about 10 outstanding PHP frameworks which have provided every PHP developer a foundation for building high-performing web applications.
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How to create a simple app with ReactJS
React (also known as React.js or ReactJS) is an open-source JavaScript library that helps with the view layer when working with HTML data. Thus, React is only concerned with the “V” in the MVC pattern.In this article, we will build a simple app which shows kitten gifs from an API and allows you to load a new gif whenever you click on a button. Furthermore, the total gifs that the users have seen will be stored permanently in their browser through Local Storage. In the meantime, we will show you how to create your view in React. For that purpose, we would need a class, a state, and the usage of JSX.
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6 Reasons Why Laravel PHP Framework Is The Best For Web Development
Are you thinking of using PHP for your next web development project? If so, which PHP platform should you use? If you are a web developer you probably know about "Laravel" and the rest of this blog post will reinforce what you already know. If not, keep reading this article.
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Top 12 Best PHP RESTful Micro Frameworks
Let me jab to be open-minded. My valuable time on researching about the PHP Frameworks provides me a great time with more information and the ability to find the perfect one in my point of view. It doesn't refer that other frames apart from the one I have listed are deficient. It was a hard way along for me with lots of work and time to find the perfect framework that satisfies my thirst.
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Top Class Responsive CSS Frameworks That Are Hard to Ignore
Most of the websites share same (not exactly identical) structure. And so, creating a site from scratch isn't a sensible choice since it requires you to write code from the beginning. But, what if you can use a common structure to create a site? This is where a framework comes in handy.
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