Category Archives: Java Script
How to decode QR code
Recently i published a tutorial on How to Generate QR Code in PHP and many readers send emails to decode QR code, so i am writing this article to decode you QR code you have to upload image of QR code and it will show you text inside that code image. This QR code decoder works on HTML 5 file API and canvas tag and used webqr library.
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How to ZoomIn Images in jQuery
Image zoom-in is very useful feature in an eCommerce website to show your product images to viewers in zoom with there ease. So in this tutorial i am going to show you how to make a very simple zoom in image program in which I have used a jQuery plugin jQZoom and explain its usage with a demo and you can also download that script for free.
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How to create pagination in PHP and MySQL with AJAX
I have wrote an article on pagination with a simple class and many users like it and download it so now i have decided to write its and updated version with AJAX.In this article i am going to explain you how to create pagination in PHP & MySQL with AJAX for your websites.Pagination is a very important part in your websites reporting and this article will help you to create it very very simple.
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How to Integrate live search in PHP and MySQL with jQuery
I have received many requests from my readers for live search in PHP and MySQL with jQuery, so today i have decided to write a tutorial how to integrate live search in PHP and MySQL with jQuery. Searching is one of the most required feature in web sites and if it will be live searching it will show you fast result on page. In this tutorial we will create a database and a table insert records and start searching in it.
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How to Mask an input box in jQuery
Today i have some requirement for masking on one of my project and i have used a masking lightweight library and i love it. So i have decided to write about it on PHPGang.Masking allows users to easily fix width of input boxes where you require input from user in a pacific format like dates, phone numbers etc.
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How to block Inappropriate content with javascript validation
If you are making a system where peoples come and give there reviews or accept content from public post, there is always some bad peoples write bad words and you have to manually manage these posts. Now with this article you will be able to manage inappropriate words and restrict peoples to write on website.Its a simple and easy to implement program hope you enjoy it.
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Create YouTube Video Search Engine with jQuery
This code snippet I found on codepen and found it interesting so sharing it with my readers, It's a simple jQuery script help you to search videos on YouTube you can search any video on YouTube publicly available. It's a very simple and easy to configure jQuery snippet let's make YouTube search engine site with jQuery.
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