Category Archives: PDO

February 24, 2024 5:01 am

How to use PDO database connection in PHP

How to use PDO database connection in PHP
As we all know that in PHP 5.5 MySQL is deprecated and we have to move new extensions like MyQLi or PDO (PHP Data Objects) for database integration, we have already publish an article on How to use MySQLi_connect PHP and this article will explain you how to connect with MySQL database using PDO connection and we explain very few things in this tutorial like database connection, insert, delete, update and select queries with prepare statement, multiple insert and error handling.

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March 17, 2016 7:47 pm

Stop using PHP MySQL extension and start using MySQLi or PDO

Stop using PHP MySQL extension and start using MySQLi or PDO
Nowadays, PHP have several database extensions. In the past, there was only the MySQL extension. Later, MySQLi extension appeared. It enabled developers to write more neat and maintainable code. It had also the power of object-oriented and it was more secure and strongly recommended in its days. Now, we have PDO that literally has it all.

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