5 Free fancy light weight jQuery plugins to add 3d effects to your website
Hello Friends in today’s tutorial I will give you some really amazing list of jQuery plugins to add 3d effects to your website, I hope you will like this tutorial and implement it in your websites.
Simply, It’s a nice CSS 3D dropdown concept, wrapped up in a jQuery plugin. You can adjuct the wrapping speed, 3d perspective and shading which makes it perfect for any fancy design that you may have.
Link to official website and demo: http://soulwire.github.io/Makisu/
Github link: https://github.com/soulwire/Makisu
List of supported browser: http://caniuse.com/#search=3d%20transform
Flipster is a CSS3 3D transform-based jQuery plugin. The creators describe it as built to replicate the familiar ‘cover flow’ effect. It’s responsive, supports touch, wheel, trackpad and keyboard and has different styles.
It supports Chrome, Safari & iOS Safari, Firefox, IE 10+ and limited support for IE 8-9.
Link to official website and demo: http://brokensquare.com/Code/jquery-flipster/demo/
Github link: https://github.com/drien/jquery-flipster
3D curtain
It’s a simple 3D curtain style animation. It’s developed using Animate.CSS and jQuery, And with support for mousewheel with debounce.
Link to official website and demo: https://hasinhayder.github.io/css3-3d-curtain/
Github link: https://github.com/hasinhayder/css3-3d-curtain
It’s an advanced yet simple framework which can be used for easily creating beautiful presentations using HTML.
reveal.js is loaded with with a wide range of features including nested slides, Markdown contents, PDF export, speaker notes and a JavaScript API. It’s supports all the modern browsers.
Link to official website and demo: http://lab.hakim.se/reveal-js/#/
Github link: https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js
Slicebox is a beautiful jQuery image slider plugin that is based on CSS 3D Transforms and comes with a graceful fallback for older browsers that don’t support the new properties, And of course it supports all the modern browsers.
Link to official website and demo: http://tympanus.net/Development/Slicebox/
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